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MAX (Monetary Asset X) Voice note Support - Rewriting the Story of Human Wealth Creation

[Be part of the greatest monetary and economic shift + expansion humanity has ever known]

Align with absolute abundance through support of a personalized voice note. Seize the opportunity to share some of your Wealth Creation Story (brief context of 3 - 5 sentences) and your question with Chelcia via Telegram. Within a 24 hour window, you will receive some channeled monetary guidance + insights + illuminations to your question. Welcome to the new monetary paradigm unraveling. Together we can elevate the collective frequency of abundance and much, much more!

What you will receive through this offering:

  • Personalized voice note on Telegram shedding light on your burning question (*Up to 15 minute response!)
  • Tune in to your economic + monetary life force 
  • Opportunity to crystallize your highest wealth creation story
  • Channeled monetary guidance
  • Unlock secrets to generational + collective wealth  
  • Suggestions for inheritance and legacy planning
  • Participate in the new monetary paradigm unraveling 
  • Elevate the collective frequency of abundance

*1 question per investment. 





[NOTE: If you would like to pay with Bitcoin or would like to request a payment plan option, please contact me directly at [email protected] to organize.]
[DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. This course is expressed as an embodiment of my truth in this moment, at this given time. It is up to you to fully and sovereignly direct your money/economic energy as you see fit.]