$11,111.11 USD

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To the Moon!

[*Available upon application ONLY.]

*VIP Experience: year long bespoke container encompassing 26 Private 1:1 Channeling + Coaching sessions intentionally designed to send your wealth + monetary energy to the moon!

What you will receive through this offering:

  • 26 Private 1:1 Coaching + Channeling sessions via Kajabi LIVE + recordings
  • Personally curated container crystallizing your highest story of Wealth Creation
  • Vibrant videos to help integrate your upgraded financial framework
  • Guided monetary visualizations
  • Channeled monetary inspiration
  • Massive financial literacy expansion
  • Access to session recordings for LIFE 
  • A certificate of completion celebrating all your growth + expansion through completing To the Moon! 

The Depths + Divinity of this offering include...

  • Unveiling your story around money
  • Deep dive prompts to assist unravelling monetary blocks
  • Illuminate beliefs around money that no longer serve you
  • Learn about human collective patterning around money + the current systems at play
  • Dispel monetary illusion
  • Align with monetary Truth
  • Start to recognize and practice discernment around monetary + economic truth
  • Discover how natural laws governs the energetics of free money
  • Tune in to your economic life force
  • Opportunity to crystallize your highest wealth creation story
  • Unlock secrets to generational + collective wealth 
  • Suggestions for inheritance and legacy planning
  • Participate in the new monetary paradigm unraveling
  • Elevate the collective frequency of abundance 





[NOTE: If you would like to pay with Bitcoin or would like to request a payment plan option, please contact me directly at [email protected] to organize.]
[DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. This course is expressed as an embodiment of my truth in this moment, at this given time. It is up to you to fully and sovereignly direct your money/economic energy as you see fit.]