$777.77 USD

My Legacy

[Be part of the greatest monetary and economic shift + expansion humanity has ever known]

Desiring to cultivate generational wealth for your children and future generations? This offering is an all encompassing inheritance + legacy curation specifically designed for the 21st century and the new monetary paradigm unraveling. Ensuring your families empire transcends space and time, what peace of mind! 

What you will receive through this offering:

  • Channeled monetary guidance
  • Unlock secrets to generational + collective wealth  
  • Suggestions for inheritance and legacy planning
  • Elevate the collective frequency of abundance
  • 3 Celestial modules to assist wealth growth + preservation
  • 1 Private Channeling + Coaching session on Kajabi LIVE to integrate all the divine coding + the recording
  • Access to My Legacy portal for 6 months
  • A certificate of completion celebrating all your growth + expansion through completing My Legacy! 

*Prerequisite Course: Honing my Monetary Energy, Channeling Generational Wealth or Rewriting the Story of Human Wealth Creation. 






[NOTE: If you would like to pay with Bitcoin or would like to request a payment plan option, please contact me directly at [email protected] to organize.]
[DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. This course is expressed as an embodiment of my truth in this moment, at this given time. It is up to you to fully and sovereignly direct your money/economic energy as you see fit.]